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Reproducing the Problem

This document explains how to reproduce the problem and try the patches while they are improved and submitted. Once the pull requests are merged this will not be needed and will stand just as another interesting technical rabbit hole.

Problem statement and preliminaries

The problem statement is simple: programs that use /proc cannot run in chroot. It should be easy to create a reproduction.

However, there are not publicly available programs that create a user-space input root. This is something that middleware could do, but requires a lot of code.

What options do we have? Use the go-compiler, a bash script to call ls /proc/self, or compile a statically linked binary to do the same. The rules_go toolchain builds a hermetic go compiler and sends that in the input root, so it is a good candidate. However it uses the system gcc to compile it. And we get errors that gcc is not available. An interpreted program like bash does not work either, as we do not have the interpreter available.

Thankfully it is simple to create a statically linked go program.

pure = "on",

And we can use the eminent run_binary rule, which does not require bash to execute a tool. We use the compiled program directly as a source in the tool attribute. If we were to use native_binary we get snagged up by a bash dependency in its CopyFile action.

But with this we fail, here is the output from bb-browser:


Arguments: ./ls-proc bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/out
Environment variables: PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin


Status: Code 3: Failed to run command: Failed to start process: fork
/exec /usr/bin/env: no such file or directory

This is because Buildbarn itself wraps the process with /usr/bin/env. Here env is used for PATH resolution before chroot.

Build yourself an /usr/bin/env for fun and profit

Thankfully busybox has easy to use programs, that can help in a pinch, especially the musl versions.

$ docker run -v .:/out busybox:musl sh -c "cp /usr/bin/env /out/env"
$ file env
env: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped

Now we just need to put it in the input root as /usr/bin/env.

$ mkdir -p usr/bin
$ mv env usr/bin/

With the "introspection" target

name = "introspection",
outs = ["out"],
args = ["$(location out)"],
execution_requirements = {
"no-cache": "1",
tool = ":ls-proc",
srcs = [
# env is required in path resolution for chroot actions.
# Not strictly needed, but symmetric with sys and proc.
# Send a directory for /sys and /proc
# Bazel wants a file for it to send the directory.

This introspection target is available to cherry-pick for bb-deployments where I bootstrap and test the functionality in bb-remote-execution. See this branch for more.

Build remotely

With the customary docker-compose setup.

$ bazel build \
--remote_executor=grpc://localhost:8980 \
--remote_instance_name=fuse \
--remote_default_exec_properties OSFamily=linux \
--remote_default_exec_properties container-image="docker://" \
Action details (uncached result): http://localhost:7984/fuse/blobs/sha256/historical_execute_response/598e3f5ad5548d7cbae6cb7918b0ce02c4dee92db0b8b11ab01835d9090ed33d-884/
2024/03/26 15:14:24 Reading /proc/self:open /proc/self: no such file or directory
Target //:introspection failed to build

This works with regular runners, but not chroot runners.

Apply the patches

A setback! The docker-compose setup does not build the docker images, so we would have to create deliverables from the pull requests, which is tedious. Instead we use the bare deployment where we do compile the runner from source.

The pull requests are applied through the go_dependencies

name = "com_github_buildbarn_bb_remote_execution",
importpath = "",
- sum = "h1:BKoGfhCfn5IA4JRLMB7I4yHsM06fLvOc/zwzSxEuNrY=",
- version = "v0.0.0-20230905173453-70efb72857b0",
+ remote = "",
+ vcs = "git",
+ # Example for the documentation, check the code for the latest working commit
+ commit = "2dfbdb8e3ac9675c70134bea97f4fb7b18c0de35",
$ bazel run \
--script_path launch-bare \

and launch:

$ mktemp -d
$ sudo launch-bare /tmp/tmp.sjR6aHjhni

We need sudo privileges for creating the special character devices. Otherwise it fails when creating /dev/random in the input root. We will also need CAP_SYS_ADMIN for mount

Notice that we no longer use FUSE, but for our reproduction that is okay. In production use you do want FUSE.

You can also use a local checkout and override the repository

If you want to change the patches it is often easiest to use Bazel's --override_repository flag. Just rebuild it with this command line and the go_module does not matter.

$ bazel run \
--script_path launch-bare \
--override_repository com_github_buildbarn_bb_remote_execution=~/task/patching/bb-remote-execution \

Run the reproduction with the bare deployment

We now build with the simpler bazel command:

$ bazel build \
--remote_executor=grpc://localhost:8980 \
--remote_instance_name="" \

Notice that we no longer use FUSE, but for our reproduction that is okay. In production use you do want FUSE

Successful build

This is the expected output:

INFO: From RunBinary out:
Target //:introspection up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.306s, Critical Path: 0.03s
INFO: 2 processes: 1 internal, 1 remote.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 2 total actions

If it is not executed remotely run bazel clean. Unfortunately the no-cache tag does not work here.