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Fully-Hosted Cloud Environment

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Managing your own hardware and and scaling it up to meet demand is a tedious task. Meroton offers a fully hosted cloud environment which allows you to focus on your own code while we handle the system.

The enterprise environment is pay as you use, this allows you to have the advantage of an arbitrary large build cluster with no capital expenses.

If you feel like you would rather use your own hardware please read more about self-hosted solutions.

Free Tier

The free tier environment is a shared environment with a 1TB cache and 64 executors. With the free tier you have the ability to use remote caching with execution and analyze your builds for bottlenecks and parts of your codebase that is rebuilt unnecessarily.

The environment is located in Northern Europe. For maximum performance we recommend running your bazel remotely in the same general area.

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If the free tier is insufficient for your demands we offer to set up private environments with the following extra features.

Cache StorageShared Cache100 GB dedicatedAs needed
Remote Execution64 shared executors64 shared workersAs needed
Appropriate Team Size1-2 members10 membersAny size
SSO IntegrationNoNoYes
RegionsNorthern EuropeNorthern EuropeAnywhere
Pricing$0 per month$99 per monthContact us

Please contact for any inquiries.